Asset track, trace, and management

Barcode-based systems can be used to track, trace and manage devices, assets and investments.

As asset barcodes are scanned, information in the database is instantly updated in the cloud. If an asset is presumed missing or stolen, the barcode-based system can track the item to its place of origin and who was last responsible. Consider how barcodes can be used for;

  • Digital, electronic and portable devices. Assets like tablets, cameras, laptops, monitors and other IT computer equipment are among the school’s most costly investments. Barcodes can provide schools the ability to track to whom the device was assigned, what equipment belongs to each department, keep detailed maintenance and software history, and plan for scheduled software updates and system checks.
  • Lab equipment and supplies. Barcodes can track the history of equipment used by students, inventory supply levels, maintenance and schedule routine cleaning/updates and more.
  • Music resources. Barcodes can be assigned to musical instruments and other music assets like stands, chairs, and music books/sheets. Barcodes track when instruments are checkout and by whom, maintenance history and more.
  • Consumable supplies. Barcodes can be used to track consumables like art supplies, papers and more, making sure that essential supplies are ordered when quantities reach predetermined reorder levels.
  • Fixed assets. Fixed assets can include tables, desks, playground equipment, books shelves and more. When barcodes are used, a detailed record can be kept of where the asset is located, who assigned, track depreciation, and manage maintenance and replacement schedules.
  • Library assets. Library assets are among the most used. Barcodes track who and when an asset (e.g., book, magazine, DVD) checked in and out, manages inventory, and manages repair and replacement of items as needed.